Sunday, October 9, 2011

I finally made it!

Here I am.... in the world of blogging!  A place I never dreamed I would be.  So many times I have been encouraged by others' blogs, and have come away feeling a bit less alone, a little bit stronger, and sometimes even convicted to step it up and make some big changes for the better.  Now maybe I'm brave enough to think I could help someone, too. :)

The Lord encourages me each day to think about His plan for me in my life.  I chose the name "becoming like Him" to remind myself that this is the ultimate goal for my life--to become more and more like Christ.  Becoming complacent makes me weak.  We could argue round and round about faith and works, but if you read the book of James, you will see that our works (our lives) should be a living result of our faith.  Not one without the other.  It's a hand-in-hand relationship.

I want to be more and MORE like Him every day.  It's a process of growth that comes from a sincere desire to put off self and put on Christ.  I fall sometimes.  Sometimes I just shake my head at myself, imagining that the Lord is doing the same thing.  But I know that He still loves me.  His mercies are new each day, and his love is continual. 

He saves us to keep us.  I am so thankful for that!


  1. I am so happy to see you here, my sweet friend! I know this place will bless so many hearts as you share what you are learning (and it will bless you, too :) I am so excited, I am doing a little happy dance right now! Love you, Steph!

  2. What a wonderful title and focus for your blog since I know it is the heartbeat of your life. I'm glad you're taking your hand-in-hand relationship and ideas to include the computer keys a bit:) Blessings on your word and heart journey, friend! I know it will be a good one!
