Monday, October 10, 2011

A deep breath of thankfulness

It's been a long day, and as I wind down from our activities, I stop to think about the blessings....

1.  time with my girls at the park, playing in the leaves and testing out photography skills.
2.  happy girls enjoying each other
3.  amazing fall leaves
4.  the hot red veins in the maple leaf as it turns from green to red.  truly amazing.
5.  my husband's job
6.  hot, homemade chocolate cake baked my oldest daughter (with powdered sugar on top).
7.  a clean kitchen before bed
8.  friends who hold me accountable
9.  a full day of homeschooling
10.  quiet time in prayer with the Lord
11.  knowing I'm saved and loved
12.  healthy bodies to learn gymnastics routines
13. teaching classes at the gym so my girls can take classes there
14.  a full moon that lights up the cool night


  1. The moon has been stunning! I'm thankful to read your thankful list here!! It's wonderful, of course:)

  2. Lovely list, Steph, especially the chocolate cake :)
